How do you choose an indoor plant?

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We like our home to reflect our love of the outdoors by bringing plants indoors. Any room can be transformed into a tropical jungle or desert oasis. Being a good plant-parent can be a bit tough sometimes, so we put together this Indoor Plant Buyer’s Guide for you.

“…when you find that perfect plant for your place, make sure to learn about its natural habitat; try to recreate its environment and conditions. Every plant thrives under the right conditions, meaning the right amount of water, light, humidity, and space to grow. Plants are either tropical or succulent, depending on the conditions they require.”


Tropical plants require more humidity, water, and indirect light. Succulent plants are hardier and low-maintenance - they need less water, dry air and ample sunlight. We selected five of our favorite indoor plants to give you guys some pointers on growing your own indoor oasis

Fiddle Leaf Fig

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An interior-design staple and an instant showpiece for your place! This plant didn't get popular for no reason; it can grow up to 12-15 ft tall in your apartment. This species is native to West Africa and enjoys indirect sunlight, high humidity, and frequent watering (source:

Monstera Deliciosa

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A tropical must-have! If your place is too small for one of these beauties, you can get a few leaves and keep them in a vase of water like flowers. This species is native to southern Mexico and has become invasive to other tropical regions like Hawaii (source: This plant loves indirect, indoor light like that of the canopied jungles and only requires weekly watering in a humid climate. Most importantly, the Monstera loves plenty of room to grow and needs a large pot. We love this island-style basket.

Air Plants

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We recommend the low-maintenance Air Plant to the busy jet-setters or forgetful fellas! Commonly dubbed as "Air Plants", this genus is actually named Tillandsia, and is native to Mexico (source: This species is low-maintenance because they do not require soil or regular watering, especially in a humid climate. In a dry climate, they need weekly water-misting, or a short "bath" every two weeks, that allows the leaves to absorb water without using their roots for nutrients (source: Air plants are the perfect addition to the minimalist decor. Hint: The Ionantha species is particularly low-maintenance.

Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is a great kitchen window sill plant. Its leaves contain a gel that can be used as a natural treatment for sunburns and scrapes. As a succulent, they prefer a warm, dry climate, optimal light, and minimal water. There are more than 500 species of Aloe Vera, so there's likely a variation that goes with every decor style (source: